Saturday, July 16, 2011

The party doesn't start 'til we walk in...

Last night, in an effort to have some good girl time (one of the items on yesterday’s list), I attended a bachelorette party at Grand Lake.  A special thanks to my friend Jerry Brother for letting 27 girls invade his house for a little pre-wedding party time.  And congrats to the bride-to-be, Courtney, on her upcoming marriage.  I hope she enjoyed her last weekend as a “Miss.”
Normally these types of parties are not really my style.  I’m a little more modest and reserved then most.  Seeing a girl decked out in penis attire makes me a little uncomfortable at best.  But I needed a girls’ night out and I was determined to have a good time.  So I did.  J 
The majority of the girls there were sorority sisters from my days at NSU so the company was good.  We went to Ugly’s, which is normally dead on a Friday night, but we definitely brought the party, as you can imagine.  J  I was especially excited to see my friend Leanne there, who is planning her own wedding for next summer. 
All the cool kids wear blue rompers :)
Leanne is one of the classiest people I know.  I truly enjoy her company and respect her more then she could ever know.  We sat together while the bride-to-be was getting the party warmed up with her lap dance by a strange man and a little karaoke.  J  She and I engaged in a much-needed heart-to-heart, which of course, included a little talk of the male population.  I am so happy that someone with such a genuinely sweet spirit is so happy and I wish her the best of everything in her life and future marriage.  And because she seems so genuinely happy with her future, I listened when she suggested a book to me.  The book, which shall remain nameless for now, was already downloaded to my iBooks before we left Ugly’s and I completed reading it today.  It was so elementary, yet insightful.  I enjoyed reading it and I hope the future Mrs. Stephens is happy to know that I have already started following “the rules,” as hard as they may be.  I am after all, good with lists, so the challenge presented in this book should be easy for me to take on.  Once I reread it a couple times and apply it to my life for a couple months, I will share the title and information on the book with you and let you know how it worked for me.  For now, based on who may be reading this blog, I would prefer to keep this journey between me and Leanne.  J 
So I am happy to report that I have one girls’ night and one more book under my belt.  That’s two things I can cross off that bucket list…

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